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The banking concept of education essay

The banking concept of education essay

the banking concept of education essay

Paulo Freire’s essay “The Banking Concept of Education” is a critique on our tradition education system. Freire believed that the banking concept of education is that of a relationship of an oppressor and the oppressed, stating banking “dehumanizes students and serves the interest of those who oppress them” (Freire 62) Nov 07,  · In The “Banking” Concept of Education Paulo Fire, takes a deeper look into the teacher – student relationship and how they interact inside of the classroom. In his essay, Fire introduces two different approaches to teaching, the “banking” concept and the “problem- posing” concept. Throughout the essay, In numerous examples that Fire gives show that he Nov 11,  · -Gallileo Galilei () The Audacity of Hope: The Banking Concept of Education In Freire's essay, The Banking Concept of Education, he advances the idea that the inherent objective of the "banking concept" is to educate the poor and illiterate to remain "oppressed"; he implies that this is accomplished in part by "narrative" teaching methods, and

The Banking Concept of Education Essay

This is the reason why the author contended that a conventional teaching style is ineffective and downright boring. In almost every classroom in the world today one can see a teacher speaking to a classroom full of students. They nod their head in agreement to every word that comes out of the mouth of the teachers and seldom can one hear a dissenting voice that challenges the ideas thrown to the class. There is very limited interaction between students and teachers. In other words equality must also be demonstrated in the classroom and not just in the political the banking concept of education essay. Aside from the lack of creativity and the inability to inspire the students to go beyond the syllabus, this type of teaching sends a negative message.

Freire contends that this system mirrors the inner-workings of an oppressive society Freire, p. This means using techniques to develop docile minds and perpetuate an environment of conformity and mediocrity. Think of North Korea, Taliban controlled Afghanistan and it is evident that authority figures can produce students that cannot learn beyond what was taught within the four walls of the classroom. In societies wherein democratic ideals are not part of the norm then this problem is multiplied in a significant manner and produces a society that cannot break free from the shackles of poverty and backward thinking. If Freire is absolutely correct then he can prove that the conventional method of teaching is not productive.

There are many writers and educators who support this view. This is especially true in Third World societies were the evidence of oppression requires no imagination to understand, the banking concept of education essay. It is a cycle of defeat because money that was loaned to these countries were not put to good use. It seems that the World Bank is part of a scheme to make these countries utterly dependent on loans. Freire was correct when he said that students must not be viewed as mere repositories of information. If students are treated this way then they will behave like a banking institution, meaning that they are like inanimate objects unable to interact and understand concepts taught them and appreciate them to the point that they can use it to enhance their lives and the people around them.

The most important thing is that no new knowledge is created and obviously this is not good. The evolution of mankind as a species requires breakthroughs in the science and the arts. There is indeed a need to develop a kind of system that allow students be more creative, to help them develop the skills for problem solving and not just a mode of behaviour adept in the art of memorising data without even knowing how to utilise it to create a better world. In this system students are made more aware, making them more conscious about the issues and the problems that surround them.

This is in sharp contrast to the teaching style that was criticised by Freire. More importantly, learning is facilitated through dialogue characterised by a symbiotic relationship wherein teachers and students learn from each other. The only problem of this view is that there are fundamental truths that has to be learned before one can develop the higher cognitive abilities personified by philosophers, inventors, scientists, and creative designers. Moreover, there is the need to establish a learning environment for the purpose the banking concept of education essay learning fundamental skills and not necessarily the discovery of new knowledge.

This can be seen in learning basic skills such as carpentry, typing, baking, weaving etc. It is foolish to let students learn on their own when it is obvious that knowledge had the banking concept of education essay sifted and clarified through the ages so that no one has to go back to the drawing board and learn how to make a chocolate cake once again. The teacher simply has to make a deposit into the hearts and minds of students or the apprentices willing to learn the basics of a particular trade. The importance of adopting a middle-ground approach between these two types of teaching system can be seen in the study of very complex ideas and concepts. This is a topic that requires a great deal of mastery and dedication in the study of physics, astronomy, and mathematics.

It would be senseless for a teacher to allow a student with zero knowledge about astrophysics give a lecture in front of a class full of physics majors. With this kind of topic, there is a need for an authoritative voice to lay down the foundation. If this is not done then the student will waste time chasing after non-related ideas. In other words useless experimentation and duplicate research is eliminated. A competent teacher can therefore guide the students to areas of study that requires further investigation and increases their knowledge by carefully depositing ideas relevant to the topic. There must be a two-way communication between student and teacher in order to facilitate learning and more importantly to initiate an action that will hopefully lead to the discovery of new knowledge.

Freire has a point in his criticism of conventional modes of teaching. He was quick to point out the link between oppressive societies and the teaching techniques used in most schools. He said that students have to be more aware about the world and the significance of the concepts and ideas that were taught them. However, the banking concept of education essay, his ideas have limitations because it seems only applicable to adult literacy education and not in learning environment suited for primary schools. It is therefore important to learn how to navigate between the two streams of thought. Archer, David, the banking concept of education essay.

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Part I - The Banking Concept of Education - Sem IV Common Course

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The "Banking" Concept of Education: An Analysis - Words | Essay Example

the banking concept of education essay

The “Banking” Concept of Education Paulo Freire A careful analysis of the teacher-student relationship at any level, inside or outside the school, reveals its fundamentally narrative character. This relationship involves a narrating Subject (the teacher) and patient, listening objects (the students). The contents, whether values or empirical Nov 07,  · In The “Banking” Concept of Education Paulo Fire, takes a deeper look into the teacher – student relationship and how they interact inside of the classroom. In his essay, Fire introduces two different approaches to teaching, the “banking” concept and the “problem- posing” concept. Throughout the essay, In numerous examples that Fire gives show that he Apr 13,  · Essay about banking concept of education for free peter skrzynecki belonging essays. Example of a education of banking about essay concept highly detailed process for others, outside employment or travelling, for example. Unique physical properties exploit for high-tech applications

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