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Sample essays university

Sample essays university

sample essays university

Aug 14,  · In this article, I'll go through general guidelines for what makes great college essays great. I've also compiled an enormous list of + actual sample college essays Sample Essays; Sample Essays. Conversely, although University of Texas-Austin is far removed from the LA/Hollywood sphere, their program is excellent, and Austin has a We write college essay examples that you can use as a guide for writing your own paper. Our mission has always been to help college students like you eliminate factors that can prevent

College Admission Essay Samples - Essay Writing Center

Numerous industry professionals and the graduate programs themselves have advised me in this sample essays university, as these two tracks are the best possible avenues to the knowledge, internships, and career opportunities that will get me where I want to be in my career: I want to be an independent filmmaker-- both as a writer and director-- and eventually a showrunner for a television program. An MFA program would allow me to hone my craft, gain valuable filmmaking experience, and network extensively which is key for a career in film and television, sample essays university. Simply put, film is my passion. I have always enjoyed crafting stories, primarily through writing initially, but when I took my first film class, sample essays university, I fell in love with the challenges and capabilities sample essays university medium.

I am the sort of person that can find joy and learn how to be happy in most situations, but with film, the joy comes effortlessly. For my shoot over the summer, I spent hour days shut in a small, un-air conditioned apartment with a flea-ridden dog for no pay at all. None of it fazed me. I was just so happy to have the opportunity to make a movie. The satisfied exhaustion I felt at the end of each day made me realize that this is definitely what I want to do for the rest of my life. What are your long term career plans? Even as I am in the process of completing my undergraduate degree and applying to graduate programs, my eye is on the future, and I am taking steps to ensure my success, sample essays university.

Someday, I hope to direct feature independent films and perhaps break into television. Cable networks, like HBO and Showtime offer, opportunities to pursue a level of artistry and craft consistent with the medium of cinema, but operating beyond the restrictions of censoring entities such as the MPAA and FCC allows programs on these channels to develop content that pushes boundaries. I firmly believe that television has the potential to be great art, and I would love to play a part in its creation. Many current showrunners are head writers and executive producers. This is a path I intend to follow. This will give me the opportunity to hear critique of my current work and, perhaps most importantly, allow me to network with individuals currently working in the field and glean important information regarding how to get future projects off the ground.

Please explain why you have chosen each of the universities listed above as your preferred institution s for your graduate studies. In addition to the schools listed, I applied to Chapman University in Orange County, CA and have yet to hear from them regarding acceptance. The programs I have applied to consistently show up on industry lists of top film schools in the world based on the quality of their curricula and work churned out by their sample essays university and graduates. I visited numerous institutions to find the school that would be best for me, sample essays university. As a result, there are two conspicuous absences from my list: USC and UCLA.

Although these are excellent programs that produce talented filmmakers, they simply did not feel like a good fit. American Film Institute is, arguably, the best film program in the world, sample essays university. Its conservatory environment and selectivity appealed to me. The same goes for Chapman, another highly selective school with extensive resources. I had wonderful conversations with students and faculty from all three institutions, and they sample essays university seemed to embrace the ideals I sought in a program-- artistic freedom, hands-on experience, sample essays university, and integration into the professional world.

These three programs are in and around Los Angeles, which is sample essays university key location for filmmaking opportunities. Narrative autobiography. I was born in a tiny town in Arkansas to dirt poor parents who divorced when I was five. My mother, who retained custody, suffered from an undiagnosed hypothyroid that often left her bedridden and borderline personality disorder which is a separate essay in and of itself. My first stepfather was mentally and sexually abusive; my second stepfather tried to kill me. I was bullied throughout school relentlessly, both for being poor and for identifying as bisexual.

I left home of my own accord for the first sample essays university at I did move back periodically, sample essays university, but rarely for more than a few weeks at a time, and I always maintained economic sample essays university from my mother; in fact, sometimes, I supported her and my brother in addition to myself, sample essays university. I worked as a prostitute from the ages of 14 to 19 and used drugs through most of this time period. When I left the life, I latched on to the first man who would have me, got married, and had a son, thereby jumping from one unhealthy, abusive situation to another, sample essays university.

I left my husband less than a year after we married and have been a happy single mother ever since. I returned to college when my son started kindergarten. That was always my plan. However, whereas I had anticipated my education opening doors to career opportunities, what I found when I returned to school was so much more. I engaged with my community and became and activist and an advocate. I embraced the intellectual challenge of rigorous coursework. I re-discovered my passion for art sample essays university stories, and, more importantly, sample essays university, learned that a career as an artist was not, as my culture had led me to believe, a pipe dream. Rather, it was a feasible reality for someone with talent and drive and a work ethic; I have since found that the blue collar work ethic that nearly prevented me from pursuing filmmaking has made me an asset on a film set, as I take great pride in the long hours that go into film production, sample essays university.

I am set to graduate from Loyola University New Orleans in May of this year with degrees in both Psychology and English: Film and Digital Media. With valuable life and work experience under my belt and a tremendous amount of ambition and toughness, I find that for the first time in my life, my future is defined by my hard work and potential, not by limitations. Discuss why your art expresses you. In a more physical sense, filmmaking, as a process, sample essays university, tends to demand organization, sample essays university, collaboration, adaptability, and endurance, all of which are traits that I feel I possess and that I like to put to use, like exercising muscles.

As a result, I love every step of the filmmaking process, from casting to scheduling to creative decision-making on set. More abstractly, I believe in the magic and the power of well-crafted stories—for both the audience and the storyteller. I find that as a filmmaker, I am drawn to creating stories that I can relate to. I like strong female characters who overcome obstacles and characters who subvert socially constructed sexual orientation or gender norms, sample essays university. I like creating stories that I find compelling and that reflect my values or sensibilities. Above all, sample essays university, I just love a well-crafted film. A film that sample essays university painstakingly constructed—from the screenplay to the cinematography to post-production—affects people, even those who watch movies casually, on a surface level, but for those of us who know about the work that goes into making a movie, a well-articulated film is like the inside of a watch—this wondrous compilation of bits and pieces, and even knowing exactly how the pieces interact does not detract from the magic behind a great film, which always seems to be greater than the sum of its parts.

I feel like my expression, sample essays university, as a director, is that whole and its effect. What one thing about your art would you change and why? It almost goes without saying that the film industry is highly commercial. As a result, funding tends to go to high concept projects that are widely marketable. I want to tell my story, informed by my experiences on the fringes. Unfortunately, I fear that my sample essays university in developing projects is unduly influenced by the knowledge that in order to secure funding or an audience, I have to include characters or events or humor based on appeal rather than their connectedness to the story, which undermines my artistic integrity.

Frankly, I am not proud of these decisions, but I have learned from them and intend to stay truer to my instincts in the future, regardless of the potential financial or exposure limitations. Tante and her family, who also worked for my grandmother, lived in a one bedroom house in the yard. My valued playtime with her nieces and nephews was often interrupted when sample essays university were called to carry buckets of water into the house, clean the yard, wash dishes, or cook. Although they worked incessantly, sample essays university labor never afforded them the luxuries of education or healthcare.

These early experiences influenced my decision to study law in order to give voice to people facing challenges similar to those of Tante and her family. Social responsibility was a major theme in the legal education I received at Loyola University New Orleans College of Law. I sought out Tante, but learned that she was sent away because my grandmother was too ill to manage the household. What town was she from? Did she have a home to return to? What was her real name? After nearly 30 years of working for my family, no one there knew, and, frankly, no one seemed to care. Back at law school, I discovered I was most interested in the courses on intellectual property.

Sample essays university addition to my studies, I worked on copyright and trademark issues as an associate at a law firm, at a major corporation, and as a journalist with the Bureau of National Affairs on its Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Journal. These experiences provided me with the fundamental skills and knowledge required to navigate the complicated terrain of intellectual property law. Still, I had not yet found a way to use that knowledge as an avenue for helping disadvantaged communities.

After receiving my law degree, I researched organizations that use intellectual property to contribute to the economic growth of export industries sample essays university low income nations. Sample essays university pays farmers fair prices for cocoa beans, trademarks the products made from the cocoa, allows farmers to learn and participate in the international sale of cocoa, and invests in social projects for the community. Infusing trademark protection into business models for low-income producers can move their communities from mere survival to economic breakthrough, providing a bridge toward healthcare, education, and housing—social tools Tante never had access to.

The purpose of my project is to study how the Kuapa Kokoo Cooperative and Divine Chocolate Limited have used branding to maximize their earning potential and alleviate poverty. I will focus my research on how Kuapa-Divine have developed reputable and valuable trademarks that promote Ghanaian culture, progressive business practices, sample essays university, and community development. To fully understand the context in which each brand evolved, I will research the history of the regulation, trade, and marketing of cocoa beans in Ghana, in addition to the fair trade industry as a whole.

The compact is aimed at reducing poverty by raising farmer incomes through private sector-led and agribusiness development, sample essays university. InKuapa Sample essays university established the only farmer-owned, fair trade—certified cocoa cooperative in Ghana. I have already made the necessary contacts to successfully execute this project in Ghana. I will collaborate with Dr. My legal education and work experiences give me confidence that I have the sample essays university resources to conduct this intensive study project within one year. As a law student, I mastered courses in trademark law and was a research assistant for Professor Gary Myers, an intellectual property expert.

In this role, I had the opportunity to edit the new edition of an intellectual property case sample essays university, and to research emerging trademark issues. Under his supervision, I first learned about trademarks being used in export industries in developing nations. The topic was so intriguing that I began to write about intellectual property initiatives through a blog entitled Intellectual Property and International Development. Since then, I have read extensively about trademark protection and development for agricultural industries. There are three objectives I hope to achieve while pursuing this project. First, I intend to connect my network in the United States with the project through a weekly online photo-journal that will capture my experiences and convey my research.

ht, a business news site. These publications have already shown interest in publishing my work, sample essays university. I will also calendar visits to Kuapa headquarters in Kumasi and village societies in Akumadan for November and early December. This is the right time for this type of project.

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College Admission Essay Samples - Essay Writing Center

sample essays university

College Essay Sample One. Prompt: Please submit a one-page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen State University and your We write college essay examples that you can use as a guide for writing your own paper. Our mission has always been to help college students like you eliminate factors that can prevent This essay is clearly-written with a an intelligent, incisive style. The piece is well-presented and very thoroughly researched. I especially liked the essay's alertness to the cultural and

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