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Global Water Crisis Essay. GLOBAL WATER CRISIS is one of the biggest issues the world is facing. The world is running short of clean drinkable water. billion people lack access to clean water and instead consume dirty, muddy water. Water shortage and unhygienic water has become a serious issue and a global concern, many people are dying as to this reason and Essay on Water Scarcity Reasons for Water Scarcity. Mismanagement of water and the growing population in our country are the two main reasons Wasteful Use of Water for Agriculture. India, an agricultural country, produces a huge quantity of food to feed its Reduction in Water Recharges Essay about The Global Water Shortage. One of the biggest problems in the world is water scarcity. Almost all countries suffer from it and many of them cannot find the most effective solution to avoid this difficulty. The meaning of the world water crisis is very easy to understand, but solving it is very difficult
Essay on Water Shortages
The paper examines water crisis from a global view. The paper reveals solutions to global water shortage. Water crisis is a mighty problem in the world. The universal human right to clean water has not achieved any benefits. The availability of clean water still eludes many communities in Africa in particular and the world in general. The effect of water crisis includes: agricultural crisis, international tensions, boarder conflicts, health status, deaths from water related diseases, food insecurity to mention a few, essay on water shortage. The facts about the effects of water crisis require immediate transformation. The solution lies in the unity of the world. World leaders must come together to solve the problem.
Taxes must be realized from import duties to facilitate water projects worldwide. Developed nations must assist poorer nations to build water channels or create dams. The world population is affected by different factors. For example, religion can move people like ideology. Water is another agent that moves people and affect the lives of millions of people Thomas, Water crisis is a global issue and needs urgent attention. Water has many uses; it includes drinking, for industries, for transportation, for energy, for recreation, for protection to mention a few. Lack of water can move people from one location to another, the abundance of water can also change the location of its inhabitants. The declaration of universal human right essay on water shortage the right to clean water as universal human rights.
Water crisis is severe in Africa. The death toll rises each year from water related diseases. Drought causes problems for African people. It is estimated that the quantity of water used by an American in a single bath is three times more than the quantity of water used by three people in Africa Food and Agriculture Organization, Countries must unite to tackle water shortages and save our generation. Developed nations should help poor countries to build dams and reservoirs. The world water council must create awareness of the issue. World leaders must enact laws essay on water shortage guarantee clean water to its citizens. There should be increased funding for water projects worldwide.
Advanced technologies must be acquired and shared among poorer countries to improve the situation. Government must decentralize water management. Agriculture : Water crisis cause agricultural crisis. Food security is threatened because of water shortage. Irrigation farming is affected by water drought. The prices of food increases annually and the availability of materials for farming are difficult. Environmental crisis : Water shortage affects rivers and dam. International tensions : There is an eminent danger worldwide due to water shortages. Tension may arise due to growing need for water. Many governments are building secret reservoirs to save water and create artificial dams this may result in conflicts between countries that hare the essay on water shortage basins.
Human Health : The rise in water shortage increases the health problems across Africa. It is estimated that 1 million children die annually in Africa due to essay on water shortage related diseases. The universal declaration of portable clean water has not resulted in any meaningful improvement. People suffer water shortage and when one gets water the chances of clean water is slim. Waterborne disease increases each day. More emphasis should be on water shortage and human health. World leaders must come together to contribute their quota to solve water shortage. Poorer countries should be supported to build water channels through different water basins.
The unity of the world is the best solution to water shortages; it is a sure path to progress. The world water council should monitor the progress of water projects in poorer countries and facilitate in funding those projects. Taxes should be imposed on every import goods worldwide to release funds for the support of water projects. Water shortage is a global challenge that seeks to unite the world. To find a lasting solution, essay on water shortage, the unity of the world is a necessity. Countries with abundance of water can build long water channels which passes through different countries to assist poorer countries. The world has faced different challenges in the past, essay on water shortage, and can adequately surpass this crisis if they unite.
Food and Agriculture Organization. Food and nutrition division, protecting and promoting good nutrition in crisis and recovery. Sydney, essay on water shortage, Australia: Maxon Press. Thomas, J. Water crisis: An imminent essay on water shortage to save our generation. South Melbourne, Australia: Ibex Press. Young, H. Water crisis and food security assessments in emergencies: A livelihoods approach. New York, USA: Macmillan. Need a custom Problem Solution Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.
The Global Water Shortage. Table of Contents. Abstract Water crisis Global water crisis: The figures Improving water related issues Essay on water shortage References. Learn More, essay on water shortage. We will write a custom Essay on The Global Water Shortage specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on The Global Water Shortage by yourself? This problem solution essay on The Global Water Shortage was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, essay on water shortage must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda.
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Essay on Water Scarcity Reasons for Water Scarcity. Mismanagement of water and the growing population in our country are the two main reasons Wasteful Use of Water for Agriculture. India, an agricultural country, produces a huge quantity of food to feed its Reduction in Water Recharges Agriculture: Water crisis cause agricultural crisis. Food security is threatened because of water shortage. Irrigation farming is affected by water drought. The prices of food increases annually and the availability of materials for farming are difficult. Environmental crisis: Water shortage affects rivers and dam. The quantity of water withdrawn accounts for 60% of water loss in the Jan 01, · There is a water crisis which faces many parts of the world and it is a threat to survival of human beings since humans are primarily dependent on water. Shortage in drinking water is a major problem facing developing countries which have not taken drastic steps to harvest water and purify it to make it safe for human consumption
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